This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thomas the apostle

St Thomas

Thomas, Jesus, Romans (2), Disciples (4), Mary, Indians (3), 3 wise men

(Enter Thomas, Jesus, Disciples) 

Thomas was one of the twelve apostles.  The apostles were the important disciples of Jesus who followed him around everywhere, and imitated everything that Jesus did.  Some times Jesus would do ridiculous things to see if the disciples would imitate him-  and of course, the disciples would.

(Enter Romans)

 One day, Romans caught Jesus, and killed him, Nailing him to a cross!

(Exit Romans, Jesus, Thomas, enter Mary)

  After that the disciples were very afraid!  They would all lock themselves into a big room, and not let anyone in unless they did the secret knock.  One day, while Thomas wasn’t there, Mary, the Mother of Jesus came to the room the disciples were in, and did the secret knock.  The disciples let her in, saying “Are you sure you weren’t followed?”  Then they locked the door behind her. 

Suddenly Jesus walked through the wall.  The disciples all yelled “It’s a ghost!”  Some of them even peed their pants.  But Jesus breathed on them and said “Peace!  I’m not a ghost.”  Then taking some fish, he ate it in front of them saying “See?  If I was a ghost, this chewed up fish would be falling through my body onto the ground!”  

Then Jesus disappeared.

The audience said "Whoa"

(Enter Thomas)

A few minutes later, Thomas came and did the secret knock.  The disciples let him in, and said “Where were you?  Jesus is alive, and he appeared to us!”

Thomas said “Yeah Right.  I need proof. To believe that I would have to put my finger in the holes in his hands, and my hand into the hole in his side!”

(Enter Jesus)

Suddenly Jesus appeared again.   Thomas peed his pants.  Jesus said “Here, put your finger in the hole in my hands, and your hand into the hole in my side!”

Thomas said “Uhhh… I’m good, actually.”  Then he fell down and worshiped Jesus, saying “My Lord and my God!”

Jesus said “You believe because you had proof.  Blessed are those who believe without proof! Then Jesus went up to Heaven.

(Exit Jesus, Thomas)

A while later, when Thomas was out again, Mary died.  The disciples were very sad, since she was like a mom to them.  But then they left her dead body and went home.  

(Exit Disciples)
When Thomas got there, he saw Mary’s dead body come back to life, and go up to Heaven!  And as she left she dropped her girdle!  

(Exit Mary, Enter Disciples)

So Thomas told all the other disciples “I just saw Mary come back to life and go into the sky!  She must have gone to Heaven!”

The other disciples said “That’s quite the assumption!” 

The audience laughed at the joke, except the ones who didn’t get it.  Nobody bothered to explain it to them.

(Exit disciples, enter wise men)

Thomas went to India.  As he was walking, he passed the three wise men, who were singing “We three kings, of orient are….”  

Thomas said “Hi”

The wise men said “Hi.”  And they went on their way.

(Exit wise men, enter Indians)

In India, Thomas baptized many Indians.  He built churches and turned some Indians into Bishops.  But then someone killed him by throwing a spear at him.

There are still Christians in southern India to this day who’s Church was founded by Thomas! 

St Thomas the Apostle-  Pray for us!