Lidwina, friends, Mom, sinful man, Lidwina's angel, Sinful man's angel
Enter Lidwina, friends
There once was a young girl named Lidwina. Ever since she was a child, Lidwina wanted to be a nun. But when she was 15 years old, she was ice skating with some friends, when suddenly she fell, and broke a rib. She cried out in pain! Her mom ran to her, saying "Lidwina, are you Ok?"
(Exit Friends)
The wounds she got from this turned to Gangrene. (Gang-green). This meant that she had to stay in bed for the rest of her life! Even though she spent the rest of her life lying down, she'll spend the rest of this skit standing up, so the audience can see her.
She suffered immensely. She could not eat, and would only eat a little piece of apple each day. Her whole body started to rot, and she puked blood, and according to the stories even pieces of bone or organs came out! But her vomit and rotting organs smelled beautiful! Her mom would scoop these things up, and keep them in a vase, and put them on the bedside table, and say "There- now doesn't that smell nice?".
The audience would say "Wow, Lidwina must be Holy!"
Her mother would say to the audience "Yes, because even her rotting internal organs smell sweet!"
But Lidwina said "Uh, Mom- could you please bury those? I don't want everyone to think I'm holy."
Her mom said "awww... but they smell so nice! Ok." And she took the vase away to bury it's contents.
(Leave Mom. Enter Sinful Man)
One day a sinful man came slinking in, and said in a devious voice "I am a sinful man! I am here to commit sins!"
Lidwina said "Actually, you should try to be holy."
The sinful man said "Really? Wow... I had no idea. Ok, I'll be holy"
But before he could start, he died.
(Exit Sinful man)
Lidwina started praying, saying "Dear God! Please show me if the sinful man got to Heaven!"
(Enter Guardian angel)
Suddenly her guardian angel appeared to her, and said "I will show you where he is. Will you come with me?"
Lidwina said "yes". So the two of them held hands, and skipped all the way to purgatory.
Lidwina heard the sounds of torment, provided by the audience. There were cries of sorrow, screams of anguish, and shrieks of despair. Lidwina said "Oh no! Are we in Hell?"
Her guardian angel said "No, This is purgatory... but it is a lot like Hell."
(Enter guardian angel of sinful man)
Suddenly they saw the guardian angel of the sinful man, sitting looking sad, with his head in his hands. Beside him was a deep well, out of which flames spewed. From the pit they heard the voice of the sinful man saying "Who will free me from this awful suffering?"
Lidwina said "Sinful man- is that you?"
Sinful man said "Yes! And I am suffering terribly until I can see God in Heaven!"
Lidwina said "I will pray for Mercy for you."
Sinful man said " Even though I am suffering so much, I know that this suffering is itself mercy, since I deserve to go to Hell."
(Exit sinful man and angels, enter mom)
Suddenly Lidwina woke up, as it was all a dream But she trembled with fear. Her mom saw how afraid she was and said "what happened?"
Lidwina said "I saw purgatory, and it is awful! We must all pray for people who are there!"
(Enter angel of sinful man)
Sometime later the angel of sinful man came to her and said "Lidwina, your friend sinful man, is now in Heaven."
St Lidwina- pray for us!
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