(Enter Pier, mom, dad, sister)
Pier Giorgio was born into a wealthy family in Turin in 1901. He lived with his mom and dad and sister. His dad owned and published an important newspaper, called La Stampa. His father said "Pier, it always important to speak the truth, no matter how unpopular it may be!"
(exit mom and dad and sister, enter friends)
When Pier was a teenager, he loved hanging out with his sister and his friends. They would climb mountains together, go camping, and play pool. But sometimes his friends would say "C'mon, Pier, let's go play pool!" And Pier would say "Wait, I haven't had my prayer time yet!"
(Enter poor)
Other times, Pier and his friends would be waiting for the train, when poor people came and asked for money. Pier would always give them what he had. His friends would say "Pier- you need that money for the train!"
When Pier got out of jail, he spent so much time with the poor and the sick, looking after them, that his parents and friends would often say "C'mon Pier! It's unbecoming of a rich man!"
Pier eventually got an illness from the sick he looked after, and he died when he was only 24 years old.
Other times, Pier and his friends would be waiting for the train, when poor people came and asked for money. Pier would always give them what he had. His friends would say "Pier- you need that money for the train!"
But Pier would say "It's OK- I'll just run home." So Pier would run all the way home.
(Exit friends, enter mom and dad)
He'd get home breathless, and his parents would say "Pier, stop giving your money away and praying every day. I hope you don't become a priest or something!"
(exit mom and dad)
When Pier was done school, he went on to University to study Engineering. Pier was so good looking, that all the girls in the audience said "He's so dreamy", and giggled.
When Pier was done school, he went on to University to study Engineering. Pier was so good looking, that all the girls in the audience said "He's so dreamy", and giggled.
(Enter Fascists and Communists and friends)
But Italy was splitting into different factions. Communists and Fascists (later known as Nazis) would fight in the streets.
Pier and his friends said "We don't want to be part of either group! We will form our own group, called "The Sinister ones!" And they spent their time pulling practical jokes on each other.
(Exit communists, friends. Enter mom, dad, sister)
But the Fascists did not like Pier or the stuff that his dad wrote in the paper. One night they broke into his house, and attacked his dad. His mom cried, and his sister screamed. But Pier beat the tar out of the fascists and chased them away!
But the Fascists did not like Pier or the stuff that his dad wrote in the paper. One night they broke into his house, and attacked his dad. His mom cried, and his sister screamed. But Pier beat the tar out of the fascists and chased them away!
(Exit fascists, mom, dad, sister, enter friends, police)
Another time Pier and his friends were part of a protest organized by the Church. The Police came to break up the protest. The police pulled out clubs, and started beating and arresting people who would not listen. They yelled "Go Home!"
Another time Pier and his friends were part of a protest organized by the Church. The Police came to break up the protest. The police pulled out clubs, and started beating and arresting people who would not listen. They yelled "Go Home!"
But Pier stood his ground, saying "You want peace? Work for justice!"
Pier and his friends were arrested, and thrown into prison. The Police said "What is your name?"
Pier said "Pier Giorgio Frassati"
The police said "Frassati? I'm sorry, we didn't know how important you were! Please, come with us sir, and we will give you a better place to stay!"
But Pier said "No. I will stay with my friends."
(Exit police, enter poor, sick)
The police said "Frassati? I'm sorry, we didn't know how important you were! Please, come with us sir, and we will give you a better place to stay!"
But Pier said "No. I will stay with my friends."
(Exit police, enter poor, sick)
When Pier got out of jail, he spent so much time with the poor and the sick, looking after them, that his parents and friends would often say "C'mon Pier! It's unbecoming of a rich man!"
Pier eventually got an illness from the sick he looked after, and he died when he was only 24 years old.
At his funeral, not only did the rich and his family come, but thousands of poor and sick people, who all said "This guy was a real saint".
St Pier Giorgio Frassati- Pray for us!
St Pier Giorgio Frassati- Pray for us!