Lazarus, Mary, Martha, friends (2) Jesus, disciples (2), servant, pharisees (2), Paul, Mother Mary,
Part of this story is historical and recorded in the Bible, and part might be true but might just be myth. When I say "Now it's time for the mythological part!" everybody go 'doodly doodly' and wave your fingers.
(Enter Lazarus, Mary, Martha, friends)
There was once a man named Lazarus, who lived with his sisters, Mary and Martha, in a town called Bethany. They loved to party with their friends- especially Mary and Lazarus. Martha usually just did all the work, making pizza bagels and mixing drinks.
(Enter Jesus, disciples)
But the best parties were when Jesus and his disciples came! Everyone said "Hey!" and "Welcome to the party!" And made jokes like "Great drinks, Martha, but get Jesus a glass of water and see what He can do!"
(Jesus, disciples go to far end of the stage, enter servant to Bethany end)
One day Lazarus said "I don't feel so good. In fact, I think I'm dying!"
Martha said to the servant "Go get Jesus."
Everyone at the Bethany end froze like statues while the audience watched what happened where Jesus was.
So the servant ran all the way and said to Jesus, between gasps of breath "Jesus! Your friend Lazarus is sick, and may be dying!"
But Jesus and the disciples were in the middle of a game of risk, so Jesus said "I'll come when this game is done."
The disciples said "If Lazarus is dying, don't you think we should go now?"
But Jesus said "Yeah right... and lose Australia? Pass the red dice."
(Exit servant)
Four days later Jesus stood up and stretched and said "Maybe we should just take a photo of the game and come back to it." Then he and the disciples sauntered over to Bethany.
When they got there, the people in Bethany stopped being frozen, but Lazarus was already dead!
Mary and Martha and their friends were crying, and said "Why didn't you come sooner?"
But Jesus said "I am the resurrection and the life."
Martha said between sniffles "I know my brother will rise on the last day..."
Jesus wept.
Then he said "Open the tomb!"
Martha said "Lazarus has been dead for 4 days! There will be a stink!"
Mary said "He didn't even smell that good while he was alive!"
But they did as he said, and Jesus said "Lazarus come out!"
Lazarus stood up and walked out like a mummy!
Everyone was amazed!
Now it's time for the mythological part!
(doodly, doodly)
(Exit Jesus, disciples, Mary, Martha, friends, enter pharisees,)
Ever since Lazarus was raised by Jesus, the pharisees wanted him killed. They gathered together and plotted his demise.
Lazarus never smiled, because he said "Now I've seen Hell and how many people are there!"
(Enter Paul)
St Paul came to Lazarus and said "Let's go to Cyprus!" So they linked arms and skipped to Cyprus, while the pharisees said "Drat, we missed him!"
(Exit Pharisees, enter Mother Mary)
In Cyprus, Paul said "You know, you'd make a great Bishop!"
Mother Mary said "Oooh, and I have just the outfit for you!" Then she put her home made bishop's outfit on him and said "Wow... you are one good looking Bishop!"
And so Lazarus became the bishop of Cyprus. Eventually he died for a second time, but this time he stayed dead.