This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Dominic Savio

 Dominic, mom, dad, parish priest, teacher, students (2), Don Bosco, doctor

(Enter Dominic, Mom, dad, priest)

There once was a boy named Dominic Savio.  Dominic was cute and little, and he held hands with his mom and dad and skipped everywhere he went.

One day, Dominic Savio came to church with his mom and dad. Dad said to the priest "We're wondering if Dominic can receive his first communion?"

The priest looked at Dominic. "How old are you son?"

Dominic said "7".

The priest shook his head "Sorry, you have to be 12."  (The rules have changed since then).

Dominic looked sad, so the priest said "You know, I've seen you praying so much, and you really understand the teachings of the church.  I think I can make an exception!"

Dominic was so happy! He jumped up and down clapping his hands in glee. He said "I promise to go to Mass and Confession as often as I can, I'll celebrate Sundays and Feast Days, Jesus and Mary will be my friends, and I'll die rather than sin!"

(Exit priest, parents, enter students)

In school, Dominic excelled beyond the other students. One day when the teacher was out of the room, the other students took snow and garbage and put it into the woodstove.  They snickered mischievously, while Dominic stood aghast.

(Enter teacher) 

When the teacher found it, he/she was outraged!  The teacher said "Now I can't light the stove!  Who did this!  Whoever did will be expelled!"

The students all pointed at Dominic and said 'He did it!"

Dominic just hung his head as if guilty.

The Teacher scolded Dominic, saying "Well, you should be expelled, but since it was your first time, you won't be. But never do anything like that again!"

Dominic nodded.

(Exit students)

The next day, the teacher confronted Dominic again. The teacher said "So I understand you aren't actually the one who put stuff in the woodstove."

Dominic sighed "no".

The teacher said "Why didn't you tell me?"

Dominic said "I knew I wouldn't get in as much trouble as they would, I didn't want them to get expelled."

(Exit teacher, enter students.)

One day two of the students got into a fight. They began bumping their chests against each other to intimidate each other.

One student said "You want to go man?"

The other said "Don't get up in my grill!"

The audience started chanting "Fight, fight, fight, fight!"

Dominic ran over to them and said "Whoa break it up!"

The first student said "I'm going to break him up in a minute."

The audience said  "Oooh."

The second student said "Bring it tough guy."

The first student said "After school. Courtyard. Rockfight."

Dominic cried out in alarm "Rock fight?"

The second student said "That's right. We're gonna throw rocks at each other."

Dominic said "C'mon guys..."

But both student 1 and 2 said "I'll be there!"

After school all the students gathered in the courtyard for the rock fight. Student 1 and 2 started gathering rocks to throw.  But Dominic knelt between them, and held up a crucifix, and said "If you're going to fight, each of you throw the first rock at me."

The first student said "I'm not going to throw a rock at you!"

The second student said "Dominic, get out of the way!  We don't have anything against you!"

Dominic said "You won't throw rocks at me because I am innocent, but you would offend Christ by throwing rocks at each other?"

The two students were stricken. They said simultaneously "Fine! We won't fight!"

Then they came together in a big hug. They held onto each other and did not let go through the following dialogue.

(Enter teacher)

The teacher said "Really, they hugged? That seems over the top."

Dominic smiled, and said "They didn't really hug. We just wrote that into the script so the two actors would have to hug."

Students 1 and 2 stopped hugging, and shook their fists angrily at the narrator.

(Exit students, enter Don Bosco)

One day a priest called Don Bosco approached Dominic and said "Dominic, do you know what your name means?"

Dominic shrugged.

Don Bosco said "It means, Belongs to God!"

Dominic smiled "Well, I guess that's all the more reason for me to be a saint!"

But Don Bosco was sad.  "Dominic, I have to send you home."

Dominic was alarmed. "Why?"

Don Bosco said "You're too sick. You might get better at home."

Dominic hung his head. "Ok, I will obey."  Then he coughed, because he really was quite sick. "I'll never see you again."

Don Bosco laughed. "Dominic, you'll get better! Don't be so dramatic! You'll get better and come back to us!"

Dominic smiled, and said "It's Ok. I'm ready to die."

(Exit Don Bosco, enter Doctor)

The Doctor came and examined Dominic. The Doctor said "You have a bad cough. Here's what I recommend.  Let's cut your arms and let you bleed out all the bad blood, and then your body can make new blood and you'll be better!"

Dominic said "Ok, you're the doctor!"

So the doctor cut Dominic's arms, and allowed the blood to flow. But instead of getting better, Dominic got weaker, and died, only 14 years old.

St Dominic Savio- Pray for us!