Not much is known about St Expeditus. Some people think he didn't exist, and some even say his name is attributed to some relics that were in a packing crate labelled "Expedite". However, devotion to him remains strong! Some of this story is from the legends about him, and some is just a plausible story from the times in which he lived.
Expeditus, Christians (3), guards (2), roman soldiers(3), Emperor Diocletian, Devil, lion, jaguar, bull
There is also a part for the 'crowd', which is the audience
(Enter Expeditus)
There once was a Roman Centurion named Expeditus. He was known for his speed, and so he was given light weight armor that would not slow him down. He could sprint all over the place! He skipped and leapt and did cartwheels!
(Enter soldiers)
One day he ordered the Soldiers under him, saying "Men, let's take a break. Let's go to the theater and watch Christians get eaten by wild animals!"
The soldiers cheered, saying, "Yes, lets!"
(Enter Diocletian)
So Expeditus and the soldiers went to the theater, and sat in the stands with Diocletian, the emperor. Diocletian said "Good to see you gentlemen! I expect we will all get to witness some gruesome and brutal deaths today!"
The soldiers said "Hurrah!"
(Enter first Christian, Guards, Lion)
As they watched, first one Christian was taken out by the guards. The Christian said "I am willing to die for Christ, for to me death is life!" That Christian was quickly devoured by a lion!
(Exit Lion and Christian. Enter second Christian, Jaguar)
Then a second Christian was brought out. That Christian said "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but to lose his soul? Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit!" A Jaguar pounced on that Christian, and bit his face off.
(Exit second Christian, Jaguar. Enter third Christian, Bull)
A third Christian came out, saying "I rejoice in my suffering, because I unite it to the suffering of Christ on the Cross, and make up in my own body what was lacking in His!" That Christian was gored and trampled by a bull.
(Exit 3rd Christian, Bull)
The Roman soldiers clapped and cheered. But Expeditus stood up, saying "Enough! Considering the heroic courage of these Christians, I too will become a Christian!"
(Enter Devil)
When the Devil heard this, he made himself into a crow, and flying to where Expeditus was, said in a crows voice "Wait! Think it over! If you become a Christian now, you will suffer the fate of those martyrs! Why not wait until tomorrow?"
But Expeditus said "No! I will become Christian this very moment!" And he stomped the crow to death. Then he yelled loudly "I too am a Christian!"
(Exit Devil)
The crowd booed, yelling "Kill him! Throw him to the Lions!"
Diocletian stood up and said "Silence!"
The crowd was silent, except for the sound of a cricket.
Diocletian said "Expeditus is a Roman Citizen, and a centurion! We do not throw roman citizens into the Arena!" Then to Expeditus he said "Denounce this new found faith, or I will chop your head off!"
Expeditus said "I cannot deny my faith in Christ, even if it cost me my life."
Diocletian turned bright red and yelled "Off with his head!"
And so Expeditus' own soldiers escorted him into the Arena and chopped off his head.
St Expeditus- Pray for us!
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