This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

St Paul

St Paul

Paul, Gamaliel (M) (Ga-ma-lee-el), Stephen, angry crowd (4), horses (5), Jesus, Ananias (M) (An-na-nie-as), Luke, Barnabas, Roman

(Enter Paul and Gamaliel)

There once was a young man named Paul.  Paul was short, und unattractive, but very smart!  He studied under a man named Gamaliel.  Gamaliel said “Oh Paul, you are my best student!”

Paul said “Thank you!  And you are the greatest teacher of our times!  One day I hope to be just as self-righteous and anal retentive as you!”

Gamaliel said “Um…. Thanks.”

(Enter Stephen, Exit Gamaliel)

One day a man named Stephen ran by yelling “I’m gonna get stoned, dude!”

Paul shook his head disapprovingly, and said “It always starts with just getting stoned, but where does it end?”

(Enter angry crowd)

An angry crowd yelled “Get him!”  And surrounded Stephen, picking up rocks to throw at him.

Paul said “Oh, that kind of stoned.  My Bad!" Then to the crowd he said "Here, may I hold your jackets?”

The angry crowd yelled “Thank you!  You are too kind!”

As they began throwing rocks at Stephen, Stephen looked up and said “I see Heaven open!  And there’s Jesus!”  Then he died.

Paul said “Jesus, eh?  So Stephen was one of those despicable Christians!  Let’s go get some more!”

(Exit Stephen, Enter horses)

So Paul and the angry crowd all got on horses, and began riding to Damascus. Along the way Jesus suddenly appeared to Paul, saying “Paul-  why do you persecute me?”

No one else could see Jesus.

Paul fell off his horse and said “Who are you, that I am persecuting you?"

The angry crowd thought Paul was nuts.

Jesus said "I am Jesus."  Then he disappeared.

(Exit Jesus)

Paul suddenly started groping around, saying "I’m blind!”

So the angry crowd took him to Damascus, and left him there.

(Exit angry crowd, horses, Paul.  Enter Ananias, Jesus)

Jesus appeared to a man called Ananias and said “Paul of Tarsus is in town.  Go pray for him and heal him!”

Ananias said “Really?  I heard about him, he’s a bad dude!  He’ll kill me.”

(Exit Jesus, enter Paul)

But Ananias did as he was told. He laid hands on Paul and said “In the name of Jesus, be healed!”

Paul jumped up and said “It’s a miracle! I can see!”

(Exit Ananias, enter Luke and Barnabas, angry crowd)

Then he and his friends Luke and Barnabas ran all over the place telling people about Jesus.  Eventually the angry crowd caught up with Paul, and threw him in jail.  But from jail he continued to write letters, and he wrote many of the letters in the New Testament.

(Enter Roman soldier)

Eventually Paul was killed when a roman soldier chopped off his head.

St Paul-  Pray for us!

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