God, Noah, Joan, Shem, Ham, Japeth, Shem's wife, Ham's wife, Japeth's wife, evildoers
(Enter evildoers)
Once upon a time, the earth was full of evildoers. One of the evildoers said "I prefer to think of myself as a ne'erdowell."
The evildoers spent their days doing evil and plotting mischief.
(Enter God)
One day God walked in, and said "I've had it up to here with you guys! I'm going to flood the whole earth and start over!"
But the evildoers just laughed, and walked away, plotting their dastardly deeds.
(Exit evildoers, Enter Noah)
So God went to Noah and said "Because you are righteous..."
Noah spoke like a 1980's surfer and said "Righteous".
God continued "I want you to build an ark."
Noah said "An ark? Like a treasure chest?"
God said "Yes, but a really big one. Big enough to hold two of every animal! And make it water tight, so it'll float."
Noah said "Why not just call it a boat?"
God said "Because, it's to hold treasure! You're the treasure! The animals are the treasure..."
Noah said "Okeydokey". God left.
(Exit God, enter Joan, Shem, Ham, Japeth, wives)
So Noah told his family "God is going to flood the earth, but he wants to save us. So we're going to build a giant boat."
From offstage God yelled "Ark!"
Noah turned to his wife Joan and said "From now on you will be known as Joan of Ark."
Joan said sarcastically "Ha ha, very funny!"
Ham turned to his wife and said "And you will be known as Swiss."
Ham's wife said "I don't get it."
Ham said "You've never heard of ham and swiss?"
From offstage God said "I wonder if I can find a different righteous family to work with."
But Noah and his family got to work, building the giant boat, er, ark.
(Enter evildoers)
The evildoers scoffed at them, saying "Are you crazy? We're in the desert! Why do you need a boat?"
Noah said "It's an ark, actually"
(Exit evildoers)
When the ark was finished, Noah put two of every animal on his ark.
(Poll the audience- what kind of animals should we have? If a kid picks an animal, invite them to be that animal on the ark)
Then the rains came. It rained for 40 days and nights. The ark rose and fell on the waves, with all the people and animals going up and down and losing their balance. Some even got sea sick! All the animals started acting crazy, so Noah yelled "Quiet!"
The animals looked a little sheepish. Except the sheep. They looked roughly the same.
Finally after 150 days, the ark came to rest on top of mount ararat. Everyone came off the ark and kissed dry ground. Then Ham's wife pointed to the sky and said "Look at all the colours!"
They all looked at the beautiful rainbow. God said "That is my sign that I will always be faithful to you."
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