This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

St Gianna

St Gianna
Gianna, the sick(2), brother, Pietro, Baby.  Another baby,  Yet another baby, Doctor, Priest last baby

(Enter Gianna, Sick.)

Gianna was a doctor, and spent her days looking after the sick.  She would make them lie down on beds, and when they coughed she would wipe up their phlegm, and when they sneezed she would wipe their noses.

(Enter Brother)

Her brother said "Gianna, I am going to Brazil, where I will be a missionary, and tell people about Jesus!"

Gianna said “I wish I could go with you!”

Just then the sick people spasmed and vomited, saying "Uh, Gianna, can you clean that up?"

Her brother said "I can see why you want to come with me.  But I'm afraid your health is too weak, so you cannot."
Gianna wept as she hugged him goodbye.  Then he left epicly, looking back lovingly at his sister, and holding out his hand to hers as if to say "I will always be with you in your heart."  Then he tripped, so he started looking where he was going.

(Exit brother and sick, enter Pietro)

At her office, Gianna met an attractive engineer named Pietro.  She made flirty eyes at him.  He used his best pick up line on her. (Narrator, make sure he uses one.  If he can't think of one, get him to say "I notice you noticin me girl")   Soon, they were in love, and they held hands, as they skipped around singing “when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.”
First came love, then came marriage, then came a baby in a baby carriage.

(Enter Babies, one at a time, except last baby)

 Then another baby.  Then yet another baby.  The babies crawled around, spoke baby talk, drooled, and pooped in their diapers.  

(enter doctor, priest)

When Gianna was pregnant the 4th time the doctor said “Gianna, I am afraid if you have this baby you will die!”

The audience gasped!  The babies began to cry.
The doctor went on  “We can remove your uterus, and save your life, but the baby will die.”  A priest said “Don’t worry, Gianna. The Catholic Church says that kind of operation is ok, as long as you are not directly having an abortion.”

But Gianna said “If we need to choose between my life and that of my baby, I choose my baby!”
(enter last baby)

So after the last baby was born, Gianna died in hospital.

St Gianna-  Pray for us!

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