Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Soldiers(3), Canaanites (3), Jordan River (4), walls of Jericho (3)
(Enter Joshua, Moses, Caleb, Soldiers)Joshua was one of the men who followed Moses when they escaped from Egypt. Moses said "Over here!" And Joshua, Caleb and the soldiers ran to where Moses indicated. Then Moses said "Wait- I think it's over here!" And the others all ran to the other part of the stage.
Joshua was a warrior, and a general. He wore armor, carried a sword, and had his own unique battle cry. Whenever he would utter his battle cry, the rest of his army would echo it.
One day Moses took Joshua and Caleb aside and said “Here is the land that God has promised us. Go check it out and make sure it is safe before we invade.”
(Moses exit, Canaanites enter)
So Joshua and Caleb snuck into Canaan, along with some soldiers. They crept in like Ninja's, moving slowly and invisibly, and uttering their secret calls to each other. From where they were spying, they could see that the Canaanites were very buff, powerful warriors, who walked around with flexed muscles saying in Arnold Schwarzenegger accents “Dis way to Jericho” and “Our city walls are so big and mighty, no puny army can stand a chance against it!”
(Canaanites exit, Moses re-enter)
So Joshua and the other spies returned to Moses. The soldiers said “The Canaanites are giants! We are going to die!”
But Joshua and Caleb said “C’mon, we can take them! We got God on our team!” Then Joshua gave his unique battle cry, but no one echoed it. All that was heard was the sound of crickets, provided by the audience.
Because the other soldiers refused to fight, Moses and the Israelites walked in circles in the desert for 40 years. Finally Moses said “Ok guys. It’s time to invade! Joshua, you’re in charge.” Then Moses died.
(Moses exit, Jordan river enter and make a river)
Joshua led the Israelites to the Jordan river, which parted before them and they crossed on dry ground.
(Jordan river exit, Canaanites enter, walls of Jericho enter and form wall)
When they got to Jericho, The Canaanites all stood behind their fortified walls. Instead of attacking, Joshua and the soldiers just walked all the way around the city over and over again, while the Canaanites mocked them in their Schwarzenegger accents, saying “Puny children of Israel. You don’t stand a chance.”
But after a few days Joshua stopped the marching and Joshua did his battle cry. All the Israelites yelled their heads off for a minute. Then they blew horns. The walls of Jericho fell down. The Canaanites squealed like little girls, and the Israelites all ran into Jericho and defeated them. The Canaanites fell before the Israelites and died.
All the Israelites cheered, and eventually they conquered the whole land.
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