This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Monday, March 11, 2013

St Paul

Saul (Paul), Stephen, Pharisees (2), Horses (3) Greeks, Jesus, Ananias, Barnabas, emperor, Guard

(Enter Saul, Greeks)

There once was a man named Saul.  But Greeks could never say his name.  He would always introduce himself and say "Hi, my name is Saul"

The Greeks would always say "Paul"?

So he would say "SSSSa-ul."

Greeks would say "P-aul"?

So finally Saul said "Fine, my name is Paul!"

(exit Greeks)

One day he heard a ruckus (get audience to make a ruckus noise.)

(Enter pharisees, Stephen)

He found some pharisees, who were yelling at a guy named Stephen.

Paul asked "What's going on?"

The pharisees said "This man blasphemed, so we're gonna throw rocks at him until he's dead!"

Paul said "ooh, can I help?"

The pharisees said "Sure!  You can hold our coats!" 

So Paul held their coats while they threw rocks at Stephen.  When Stephen died they said "now let's go to Damascus and find more Christians!"

(Exit Stephen, Enter horses)

So Paul and the Pharisees got on their horses, and rode off. 

(Enter Jesus)

But while they were riding, Suddenly Jesus appeared to Paul!  Paul fell of his horse!  The Pharisees could not see Jesus, and wondered what was happening. 

Jesus said "Why do you persecute me?"

Paul said "Who are you?"

Jesus said "I am Jesus."

Paul said "My bad!"

(exit Jesus, Pharisees, horses.  Enter Ananias)

After that, Paul was blind. He stumbled around, unable to see. When he got to Damascus, a man named Ananias came to him and said "Paul, Jesus sent me.  Be healed!"

Paul jumped to his feet, saying "I am healed! It's a miracle!" He danced for joy.  Ananias baptized him.

(Exit Ananias, enter Barnabas, Greeks)

After that, Paul became a traveling missionary, with a guy named Barnabas.  They went all over the place, telling everyone about Jesus.  Sometimes the Greeks were so impressed, they thought Paul and Barnabas were Gods, and they'd fall down and  worship them!  Other times they tried to kill them, so Paul and Barnabas had to run away.  Once Paul preached a very intelligent sermon saying "Jesus is the unknown God!"  but the Greeks said "yeah, right."  Another time he gave a simpler sermon, saying "Jesus died for us!" 

The Greeks said "Baptize us!"

After that Paul said "I will preach Christ Crucified!"

(exit Greeks, enter Pharisees, Emperor)

One day the Pharisees came and captured Paul, sending him to prison.  Eventually he was brought to Rome, where the emperor said "I am Lord!"

Paul said "Actually, Jesus is Lord."

The emperor said "Off with his head!"

A guard ran in and chopped off Pauls head.

St Paul is considered the greatest evangelist that ever lived. He wrote most of the letters in the New Testament.

St Paul-  Pray for us!

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