This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Prodigal Son

Prodigal, older Brother, Father, questionable women, pigs, swineherder, pigs

(Enter prodigal, brother, father)

Once there was a man who had 2 sons.  He was a good father who loved his sons dearly. He would throw the football to them, wrestle with them, and tussle their hair. And he would say "You boys are the apple of my eye!  I love you dearly!"

The younger son said ”that’s great Dad! Say, do you think you could give me my half of my inheritance?”

His father said “uh, generally to get your inheritance, you have to wait until I’m dead.”

The prodigal said “Well, do you think you could get on with it then? I’d really like my money...”

The audience was flabbergasted! They cried out “How date he!” And “Its an outrage!”

But his father merely sighed, and said “Ok son, here is your share of the inheritance.”

The older brother said “Really?”

But the prodigal said “yeah you did!  Woo hoo!”

(Exit Father and older brother, enter questionable women)

So the prodigal took his money, and went to Vegas!  In Vegas, the prodigal...

Suddenly the prodigal interrupted the narrator and said “whoa-  what’s done in Vegas, stays in Vegas”

The narrator looked annoyed and said “not this time!”

Then he went on with the story

So the prodigal went to Vegas where he met questionable women.  And they did what everyone does in Vegas-  they disco danced.  Then they did the Macarena. Then they put their arms around each other and did the can can.

But eventually, the progigals money ran out!  He said “don’t worry girls, I know of a great polka club on the strip and it’s free!”

But the women said “oh, you’re broke? ew!”

Then they went into the audience to flirt with the rich boys.

(Exit women)

The prodigal said “now what will I do?”

(Enter swine herder and pigs)

Suddenly a swine herder entered, driving his pigs through downtown to wallow in a different mud hole.

He said “hey there son, I could use some help,  wanna job?”

But the prodigal said “I hate pigs!  They are ugly, snotty and stinky!”

The pigs oinked in anger.

But the prodigal said “but I do need a job. Ok”

The pigs squealed with delight and began licking his hands.

The swine herder said “alright, feed this slop to the pigs” and he handed the prodigal a bucket.

The prodigal Looked in the bucket and said “yuck what is this stuff?”

The swineherder said “it is the leftovers from the buffet at the polka club. All mashed together in a swill!”

The prodigal said “I wish I could eat some”

Then he said “look at me! I am so desperate. I should at least go back to my father for he treats his servants better than I am being treated.”

So the prodigal left the swineherd her and the pigs and began the long walk back to his father.

(Enter Father)

When his father saw him coming his father ran in super slow motion to hug his son. He held him tight and pat his hair.

But the prodigal fell on his knees and said “Father! Please forgive me, and take me back as a servant because I do not deserve to be called your son.”

But the father said “you are my son and I love you welcome home son we’re gonna have a party.” And so they did.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc, British (3), French (3), Burgundians (3), Charles, Jacques, Isabelle, St Michael, Baudricourt, general, Bishop Cauchon 

(Enter British, French)

This saint's life takes place during the 100 years war, in 15th century France.  In Those days the British had invaded France and declared in British accents "This land now belongs to the king of England.  Now let's all celebrate with tea!"

The French were outraged, and said in ridiculous French accents, gesturing with their hands  "Non!  Ve must not drink ze tea!  Jean Pierre, pour me some wine!"

But the British said "How about fish and chips?"

(Enter the Burgundians) 

But the Burgundians sang like the French chef from the Little Mermaid "les poisson, les poisson, how I love les poisson!"  and they shook hands with the British.

The French said "What are you doing?  You are French like us!"

And so the the French fought valiantly against the combined forces of the British and the Burgundians.  But they lost important land like Paris and Reims.

The Burgundians said "nananana boo boo!  We've captured Reims!  Now you can't crown Charles king!"

(Enter Charles)

Charles cried because he was so sad, so the French hugged him and stroked his hair.  Charles said "Since I cannot be king, I will be known as the Dauphin!" 

The British sniggered saying "Dauphin-  doesn't that mean Dolphin?"

And so Charles entertained them with his best Dolphin impersonation.

The narrator pointed out that the British should not find it so funny that the heir to the French throne is called "The Dolphin." After all, the heir to the British throne is the prince of Wales!  

The audience laughed politely at the narrators clever observation.

(Clear the stage.  Enter Joan, Jacques, Isabelle,)

There was a young peasant girl named Joan of Arc.  She lived with her parents, Jacques and Isabelle. 

(Enter Burgundians)

One day the Burgundians ran across the stage, burning Joan's village, while Joan and her family hugged each other and trembled with fear.  (Exit Burgundians)

(Enter St Michael)

Then one day, St Michael appeared to Joan.  He flexed his angelic muscles to show how powerful he was. He said "Joan, God has chosen you to lead the armies of France, lift the siege of Orleans, and crown Charles as king!"

But Joan said "I'm just an illiterate teenage girl!  I don't even know how to ride a horse!"

But St Michael disappeared. 

(exit Michael, Jacques and Isabelle.  Enter Baudricourt)

So Joan went to the local leader, Baudricourt, and said "God has chosen me to lead the French army! Take me to the dauphin!"

(enter Dauphin, French)

Baudricourt was so impressed with Joan, that he brought her to the Dauphin.  The Dauphin said "let me speak privately with this girl"

So Charles and Joan whispered something to each other. Then the Dauphin said "This girl knows stuff she could not possibly know!  I am putting her in charge of the French army!"

(exit Charles, Enter General)

When the General heard this he was angry.  He said "Who puts a teenage girl in charge of an army? I've been fighting this war for my whole life!"  Then to Joan he said "We'll put you at the front-  you can be our mascot- but you're not in charge!"

So the general, Baudricourt, the French, and Joan all got on imaginary horses, and began riding to Orleans to fight the British. 

(Enter British)

When the British saw the French coming, they said  "Kill the maid at the front!"

So they started firing arrows at Joan. One of them hit her right in through the shoulder!  She fell off her horse!  Baudricourt took care of her while the general and the French battled the British with swords.  The battle was very quiet, so the audience could hear the narrator.  But the French were losing badly!

Joan said "Break the arrow head off!"

Baudricourt said "It'll hurt too much!"

But Joan said "Do it!" 

So Baudricourt obeyed.  Then Joan said "Pull out the arrow!"

Baudricourt said "You'll bleed to death!" 

So Joan pulled the arrow out of her own shoulder!  Then she got on her horse, and charged into the battle!  The British were defeated, and they ran away!

(Enter Charles, Bishop) 

Because of the victories of the French, the Bishop was able to Crown Charles!  The French applauded. Charles said "Joan, I owe you my crown!"

(Exit Charles, Bishop, enter Burgundians.)

But the French continued to fight battles with the Burgundians.  In one battle, Joan was captured, while the French ran away!

(exit French, Baudricourt, general, enter British, Bishop)

Joan was brought to trial with the British and Bishop Cauchon. Bishop Cauchon snorted like a pig.

Bishop Cauchon said "Joan, you say you heard voices, and by their power you conquered the British army.  You also dress like a soldier, and soldiers are men, so... you must be a witch!"

One of the British said "She turned me into a newt!  I got better..."

Cauchon said "I sentence you to be burned at the stake as a witch!"

So the British tied Joan to a stake, and burned her alive.  Her last words were "Jesus, I love you."

St Joan of Arc, pray for us!

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

St John Fisher

John Fisher, page, bishops (3), king, Catherine, Mary, Anne, guards (2), Cromwell, Thomas More, horses (4)

There once was a bishop in England called John Fisher.

(Enter page)

One day a page came and said “Bishop Fisher, the Bishops are all gathering to meet with the king.”

(Enter Bishops)

And so the Bishops gathered, shaking hands and saying British things like “Good day old chap”, and “we should do tea” and using the word “quite” with no apparent context.

Suddenly the page yelled “All hail King Henry!”

(enter king, Catherine and Mary)

In walked the king, swaggering as he went, and offering his hand to the front people in the audience so that they might kiss it. The Bishops honoured the king by genuflecting towards him.

He was followed by his beautiful, doting wife Catherine and their daughter Mary. They smiled and waved royally at everyone.

The Bishops said “Congratulations your majesty on being honoured by the Pope with the title “Defender of the faith”!”

The King said “Thank you!”  Then he said “I've asked you to come together to grant me a divorce from this, my wife of 10 years”.

Catherine continued smiling, but said “Wait, what?”

The King said “Now my dear, don't lose your head. If you would have had a baby boy instead of this girl…”.

Mary said “Wait, what?”

Catherine said “But, that's not my fault!...”

The King said “Don't take it personally.  It's not you, my dear.  It's me… and my new girlfriend, Anne.”

(Enter Anne)

Anne went to king Henry, hugged him, and said “Oh, Henry!  You are so manly and decisive!”

The King said “Thank you, Snooki.” and tapped Anne lightly on the nose.

The Bishops said “ok, you're majesty, you can divorce her.”

But John Fisher said “No you can't!  There's no divorce in the Catholic Church!  The marriage is valid!”

Anne stomped her foot and said “No fair!”

(Enter Cromwell)

In walked Cromwell, with a hunch back and slight limp, and he spoke like Igor.  He went to the king and said “Master!  Why would you obey the Church?  You should make the Church obey you!”

The King said “Great idea! From now on the Church must obey me instead of the pope!”

Catherine said “You can't do that!”

But the Bishops started chanting “Lock her up!  Lock her up!”

(Enter guards) so guards came in and dragged Catherine away.

John Fisher said “You can't do that!”

King Henry said “get him out of here!”  

So guards seized John Fisher and brought him to prison.

(Everyone but John and the guards leave the stage. Enter Thomas More)

So John was imprisoned, along with Thomas More

John said “What are you in for?”

Thomas said “Refusal to recognize the king as head of the Church”.

John nodded “me too”.

(Enter Page)

The page came in and said “Congratulations mister Fisher!  The pope made you a Cardinal!”

Thomas said “Lucky!  The King will have to let you go now!”

But the guards said “Nope!  Cromwell sentenced him to death!”

(Enter horses)

So the guards had him drawn and quartered, meaning they tied each of his 4 limbs to a different horse, and sent them running in 4 directions.

St John Fisher-  pray for us!