This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, Mom, Dad, Poor(2), women(2), dying(1), lepers(1) orphans (1), nuns (2), Pope John Paul II, Palestinians (2), Israelis (2) sick and injured(2)

Mother Teresa

(Enter Mother Teresa, Dad, Mom)

Since she was a little girl, Agnes Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) wanted to be a nun.  Her parents patted her on the head affectionately, and pinched her cheeks.

Her dad died when she was only 8 years old.

(Exit Dad)

Her mom taught her how to be a good Catholic, teaching her things like how to do the sign of the cross, how to make a proper genuflection, and how to explain the trinity.  She loved reading about missionaries, and by the time she was 12 she said "I want to be a missionary when I grow up!"

(Exit Mom enter nuns, poor)

When she was 18, she joined the convent, and changed her name to Teresa. The Nuns welcomed her with a big hug! First she learned to speak English, then she went to India where she taught in a school.  

But Mother Teresa was very sad to see how poor everyone was. During a famine, the poor were so hungry, begging for bread, they just barely dragged themselves along the ground!  And since some were Muslim and others were Hindu, they fought against each other, hissing like cats.

One day while praying, Mother Teresa felt like God was talking to her.  God said (audience can do voice of God) “Teresa! Go live with the poor and be like them!”

The other Nuns said "You're leaving us?" and indicated their anger by saying "Whatever" and "Talk to the hand."

(Exit nuns, Enter women)

So Teresa left the nuns, and started a school, and started looking after the poor, the sick, and the starving.  She gave away everything she had except 2 changes of clothes! Soon, other women joined her. They worked hard day and night, and begged for food and shelter.  They walked out to the audience and said "Please, give what you can!"  

Mother Teresa often felt sad and lonely, but she never gave up.  Even when she felt sad, she offered her service as a gift to God, and always tried to smile at Him!

(Enter dying, lepers, orphans)

Eventually she and the women with her started a house for the dying, where everyone was taken care of. She made sure that they all felt loved. They also took care of lepers, who's skin was rotting while they were still alive, and orphans, who cried about not having moms until the women hugged them and consoled them.  Eventually more nuns came and joined her, and they were able to spread her work in one hundred countries around the world.

(Exit all but Mother Teresa, enter Palestinians and Israelis, sick and injured)

She even stopped a war for a few days! The Palestinians and Israelis were fighting, shooting each other and lobbing grenades. Sick and injured people lay in the crossfire! Mother Teresa stood between them and got them both to be peaceful, so she could get the sick and injured out.

(Exit sick and injured, Palestinians and Israelis, enter John Paul II)

One day she visited John Paul II, kissing his Ring while he blessed her. Suddenly, Mother Teresa had a heart attack. After that she started getting other kinds of sicknesses, and one day she fell and broke her collarbone.  Eventually, Mother Teresa died. She has been honored around the world.

Saint Mother Teresa-  Pray for us!

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