This blog is comprised of Saint of the Week stories I have been writing for my youth groups in Rocky Mountain House and Sylvan Lake. Each week we act out the life of another saint in what is called a "Spontaneous Melodrama." Choose volunteer actors for each role in the story, then read the story, pausing when necessary to let the actors say their lines. This is a dynamic and fun way to learn the stories of the saints, although sometimes historical precision is sacrificed for flow. Feel free to try this in your group!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Josemaria Escriva

Josemaria Escriva
Josemaria, mom, dad, doctor, communists (3), priest, Franko, soldiers (3), Opus Dei (3)
 Josemaria was born to poor parents in Spain in 1902.  When he was 2 years old, he had an epileptic seizure.   The doctor said “I am afraid that your boy is going to die.”    Joesmaria’s mom and dad, cried, and hugged each other.  They hugged and they hugged.  Hi father probably also stole a kiss.
Finally his mother said “Well, let’s pray for him.”  So, Picking Josemaria up in her arms, she carried him to a statue of Mary, and laid him down. Josemaria was healed!
(Doctor off stage)
A few years later, Josemarias’ Dad came home and said  “I lost my job.” 
His mom looked sad, and said “Do you need a hug?”
His father nodded sadly, and so they began hugging again.  They hugged and they hugged.  So Josemaria grew up without much money.  But one day he said to his parents “I want to be a priest!”  They were so happy, they gave each other a great big hug!
And so he left home, and became a priest.
(Parents off stage-  stop hugging.)
One day, Civil war broke out in Spain.
The communists said “We are for the people!  We will fight for the revolution!  Kill the rich- and priests too!”  They caught a priest, and shot him on the street.
Franko, the head of the government said  “I’m not really a good guy, but, at least I’ll protect priests!” 
The communists and Franko’s soldiers fought , shooting each other and lobbing grenades.  Josemaria had run the long way, all the way through France, to get behind Franko’s side.
Finally, all the communists were dead, and Franko had won the war.  His soldiers all High Fived each other.
(Frank and soldiers leave)
Josemaria started a group called “Opus Dei”, which met to rpay and to offer their work as a prayer.  When Josemaria died, they built a shrine to the statue of Mary in his home town.
St Josemaria-  Pray for us!

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